v8.2 on windows server 2019 won't start

Aug 01, 2021
Jim Storms wrote
I have followed all the instructions for moving vpop3 enterprise (latest) from an old windows 2008 r2 server to a new windows 2019 server. All updates installed.

Everything installed correctly without errors. The dbrestore completed correctly. However, when trying to start vpop3 service it stays in a "start pending" status (delayed start) for over 20 minutes and nothing happens.

US phone number (Eastern Standard Time) is 937-236-8029. I still have the old server up so I started the service on it and left it in the production mode with outside pointed to that old server.
2 Answers
Aug 01, 2021
Jim Storms wrote
Problem solved. Started over with clean database, re-restored backup. All fine now.
Aug 02, 2021
Paul Smith agent wrote
Hi Jim,

> Problem solved. Started over with clean database, re-restored backup.
> All fine now.

Thanks for letting us know.



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