Restore a VPOP3 database backup - Version 5 or later

How to Restore a backup of VPOP3

The instructions below are to restore a full database backup. You may also be able to recover deleted messages if you do not need to restore a full backup.

  1. Open a command prompt, and go to the VPOP3 directory

  2. If you are restoring the backup over an existing VPOP3 database (especially if the database files are damaged) you will need to DROP the database first. To do this, run pgsql\bin\dropdb -U postgres -p <port number> vpop3. When it prompts for the password enter the PostgreSQL master password - default pgsqlpass. (<port number> is usually 5433)

  3. Run pgsql\bin\pg_restore -U postgres -p <port number> -v -C -d postgres DBBACK-<number>.DMP where <number> is the latest number of the database backup made by VPOP3 (check the file timestamps). When it prompts for a password enter the PostgreSQL master password - default pgsqlpass. (<port number> is usually 5433). Note that during this step you may see a couple of errors which are not important: there may be an error about the database already existing, and also an error that the 'plpgsql' language is already installed. (Each of these errors may have several lines in the output). If there are lots of errors, then there may be a problem and you should contact

  4. Start VPOP3

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